Bonus Coins

How To Get?

Here are the steps how to transfer coins to your main console account safely.

1. When your main console account has 1,000-10,000 coins, please follow the steps below:

1.1 Select the gold Players on the transfer market- Fill in 350-400 for Buy Now Price - Choose one of the random players after refreshing - Buy the gold player.

As shown in the pictures, please check:

Select Player

Buy Player

1.2 After buying that gold player, please list it as 3,700-3,900 for the buy now price, as shown in the picture, please check:

List Player on Transfer Market

1.3 Follow the same steps - Until you have listed 4-5 gold players - Login to the console account which you buy on - Buy the 4-5 gold players which you list - Your main console account gets coins.

After done, your main console account will reach more than 10,000 coins, and then let's turn to the next step.

2. When your main console account has 10,000-60,000 coins, please follow the steps below:

Tips: We suggest transferring coins via IF players when your main account reaches 10,000 coins.

2.1 Select the IF players on the transfer market- Fill in 10,000-10,250 for Buy Now Price - Choose one of the random players after refreshing - Buy the IF player.

As shown in the pictures, please check:

Select Player

Buy Player

2.2 After buying that IF player - List it as 24,000-26,000 for the buy now price - Login to the console account which you buy on - Buy that IF players which you list - Your main console account gets coins.

As shown in the picture, please check:

List Player on Transfer Market

Follow the same steps until your main console account reaches 50,000 coins.

3. When your main console account has more than 50,000 coins, please follow the steps below:

3.1 Select the IF players on the transfer market - Fill in 10,000-10,250 for Buy Now Price - Choose three of the random IF players after refreshing - Buy the IF players.

3.2 After buying the three IF players - List them as 24,000-26,000 for Buy Now Price - Login to the console account which you buy on - Buy the three IF players which you list - Your main console account gets coins.

3.3  After 2 hours later, you can follow the same steps to list three IF players to transfer coins again.

Notice: For safe, please don't sell/buy the IF players frequently, 3 players one time will be better, and wait for 2 hours for one time.

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